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Interval and procedure of oil renewal for new generator


The regular renewal of oil can ensure the stable running ofdiesel generator set.This maintenance can  prolong the service life of diesel generator set effectively,  so it is very import to the confirm the  oil replacing interval during use diesel generator set.
Usually, the oil needs to be changed after diesel generator set run for a period. How about the oil changing interval of the diesel generator set? Sometimes it is very difficult for a new user to determine when we need change the oil. There are two method to identify when we need change the oil as bellowing: 
1. Compare the new oil with the used oil by drop them on the white filter paper at the same time. If there are many black spots in the used oil, the oil has not deteriorated, so no need replace it, if the oil is dark brown, it is deteriorated, you need replace the oil.
The regular renewal of oil can ensure the stable running ofdiesel generator set.To some extent, it can  prolong the service life of diesel generator set effectively, so it is needed to confirm the  oil replacing interval during use diesel generator set.

2. Select two  glass tube (diameter is 0.5cm, length is 20cm ),fill new oil and used oil into the glass tube respectively,each liquid height need reach 19cm, turn this two glass tubes upside down at the same time after sealed. Record the time of bubble rise, if the difference between this two tubes is more than 20%, it means that the used oil viscosity decreased too much, the user need replace the oil.

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