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What should we pay attention to when storing diesel generator sets for a long time?


Sometimes the diesel generator set purchased is no longer in use and needs to be stored for a long time.A lot of people think they can just leave the diesel generators there.It's not. If it's needed later, it's likely that the diesel generator set won't start up.So what should we pay attention to when we store the diesel generator set for a long time?Shanghai diesel generator set manufacturer wing power simple for you to introduce.

1. Clean all the diesel oil and lubricating oil of the used diesel generator set, and refill the new oil to the specified scale line.

2, diesel generator intake needs to be sealed.

3. The circuit breaker needs to be closed.

4. Disconnect the battery from the starting motor, and charge the battery fully.

5, check the filter system of the diesel generator set, the fuel needs to be exhausted.

6, diesel generator set should be placed in a well ventilated, dry and clean place.Can not be stored together with chemical and flammable materials.

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